Live Consciously.

Therapist with warm empathetic nature on a mission to help increase moods and quality of life

At Inner Harmony NY, I am on a mission to provide a safe and confidential space to help young adults and overwhelmed professionals explore their most vulnerable thoughts and feelings, cultivate new coping skills, and live the life they have always dreamed of.

Whether you are on a journey of self-discovery, are navigating a challenging life transition, relationship, or career, or are struggling with symptoms of anxiety or depression, I am dedicated to helping clients live consciously and intentionally.

Unlock Your Fullest Potential.

Congratulations on taking the first step towards a more rewarding life. Therapy can be a vulnerable and insightful process of self-discovery and exploration.

Have you been feeling stuck, overwhelmed, overworked or unfulfilled? Are you looking for more balance, purpose, or increased self-esteem? Maybe you want to reconnect with your spouse, be a better parent, or are struggling with a demanding career. If any of these things sound like you, you are in the right place.

As a mental health professional, I like to think of therapy as a vacuum cleaner for your brain and your heart - allowing you to uncover all of the pain and negative (often destructive and self-limiting) thought patterns, unconscious beliefs, and prior history that may have impacted current moods, relationships, and behavior and replace them with those that serve a more valuable purpose.

Therapy can be painful at times but it can also be a very beautiful awakening of the soul. Providing an opportunity to break down barriers, and garnering you with the self-awareness and skills needed to live peacefully and reach new heights.

You are worthy. You are capable. Invest in yourself.

“Two roads diverted in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

Robert Frost

Live with Purpose.



Stress Management


Life Transitions

Career Counseling

Relationship Issues

Break Free.

Courageously break free from negative thoughts, unhealthy relationships, and chronic mental anguish. Cultivate the coping skills necessary to increase self-awareness, improve your mental health, and live the life you’ve always dreamed of. You are capable of being happy and less anxious.

"How strange that the nature of life is change, yet the nature of human beings is to resist change. And how ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin us are the very ones that can break us open and help us to blossom into who we were meant to be."

Elizabeth Lesser

"The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of the world but those who fight and win battles that others do not know anything about."

Jonathan Harnisch

Start Your Journey Today.

Email to schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit for each other.


  • First things first, don't be nervous. We'll start with a free 15-minute consultation to ensure that we are a great fit for each other. From there we can work to compare availability and schedule a 60-minute intake session, and then 45-minute weekly sessions thereafter.

    I strongly believe that you get what you put in and would encourage all clients to come to sessions prepared. Take notes throughout the week of things that are bothering you, uncomfortable feelings that are not sitting with you well, things you'd like to explore, work on, or goals you are striving towards.

    Take time in between sessions to reflect on coping skills learned the week before and apply them.

    Therapy can be a raw and emotional process of healing. Most importantly take time for self-care.

  • The initial 15-minute consultation is free. I believe that finding a therapist is like finding a pair of new shoes. Whether you like high tops or Christian Louboutins, we both must feel comfortable in order for this to work. I also believe that therapy should be affordable and thus offer a sliding scale for those who are in need.

    Following the initial consult, we can compare availability to book a 60-minute initial intake session. During this time I will ask several questions about your challenges, symptoms, goals, family history, and mental health history to gather the full picture - $125

    Ongoing weekly or bi-weekly sessions to be scheduled thereafter which are 45-minutes each - $125

    I do not accept insurance but would be happy to provide a Superbill if requested. Please check with your insurance carrier to understand their out-of-network benefits and reimbursement rates.

    *Please note that payment is due prior to the start of each therapy session.

  • All sessions are virtual either via video or phone. In-person accommodations can be provided if requested during the initial consult and approved in advance.